Friday, January 28, 2011

Easter Special

WOW...I have quite a few specials going on. My biggest one coming up is my Easter Special. Last years Easter pictures were so much fun with the kids and the bunnies. This year, I am condensing the sessions into 2 weekends. I am going to post a few portraits from last years sessions. In this ad is of my models from last years session.
But here is a little bit of info....

Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Marengo Family

Here are the pictures I promised of the Marengo Family. Aren't they just adorable? I can't wait to shoot Julia's cake smash session on Tuesday!!

Julia is ONE!

Yesterday I did a photoshoot for a little girl named Julia, who is turning 1! I went to highschool with her daddy, Chris. Chris, Cherie, Emma & Julia were wonderful! It was a beautiful afternoon at Fountainbleu State Park and it wasn't quite as cold as I thought it would be. We are going to do some cake smash photos on Tuesday in the studio since it was too cold for the birthday girl to get in her tutu. Julia did great posing for her close up....and her big sister Emma even wanted to take a few by herself! I will be posting some pictures from the shoot yesterday in a little while. Then there will be more to come on Tuesday after the cake smash session. I can't wait for that....I sure hope Julia enjoys her cake!!....stay tuned.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Cole is 8 Months!

I have been shooting this little man since he was a newborn. I was taking pictures of his Big Brother, Caleb, when his mommy was pregnant! I can't believe he is already 8 months....and so many teeth! He definitely didn't want us to see those teeth for this session....because smiles were few and far between. But...he is still just as cute as ever! Here are a few of his pictures from our session......

New Baby

Well I am sure mostly everyone knows by now...Caroline was born on 11/16/10. I have taken a few weeks off...but am now back and ready to shoot! HAHA. Over the weekend I shot a session with a faithful client of mine. Cole is 8 months already! I am hoping to finish editing his cute session and post them tonight.